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Little "E" Designation Services

Little "E" Designation Services

The Little "E" Designation Services in New York City refer to a program aimed at identifying and protecting buildings with architectural or historical significance that do not meet the criteria for individual landmark designation. The program is administered by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC).

The LPC is responsible for preserving and safeguarding the city's architecturally, historically, and culturally significant buildings and sites. While many structures receive individual landmark designation, there are numerous buildings of value that do not meet the stringent criteria for full landmark status. To address this, the LPC established the Little "E" Designation Services as a way to recognize and protect these lesser-known but still valuable structures.

The Little "E" Designation is a form of recognition that acknowledges the significance of a building's architectural or historical features, even if it falls short of meeting the criteria for individual landmark designation. It offers a level of protection for the building and encourages its preservation and sensitive development.

Buildings with the Little "E" Designation receive a small plaque or marker indicating their recognition. This designation can provide property owners with certain benefits, such as eligibility for certain tax incentives and grants that support the preservation and maintenance of historic properties.

The Little "E" Designation Services involve a comprehensive evaluation process conducted by the LPC. The evaluation considers factors such as architectural style, historical importance, cultural significance, and contributions to the neighborhood's character. The LPC reviews the building's exterior and, in some cases, interior features to assess its eligibility for the Little "E" Designation.

To initiate the process, property owners or concerned individuals can submit a request to the LPC for evaluation. The LPC evaluates the property based on established criteria and conducts site visits as necessary. Following the evaluation, the LPC makes a determination on whether to grant the Little "E" Designation to the building.

Once a building receives the Little "E" Designation, it becomes subject to certain regulations and oversight by the LPC to ensure that any alterations or modifications are done in a manner that preserves its architectural or historical integrity. The LPC may review proposed changes to the building's exterior or significant renovations to ensure they align with preservation guidelines.

The Little "E" Designation Services program in New York City plays a vital role in recognizing and protecting buildings that have cultural, architectural, or historical significance. It helps raise awareness about the city's diverse architectural heritage and encourages the responsible preservation and development of these important structures.


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